Start with art: Part 2 - Choosing the Right Size Art for Your Space

Written by
Rosanna Jones
Published on
January 9, 2024

Art has the magical ability to transform your space, adding personality and depth. Yet, finding the right size art for your space can sometimes feel like navigating a maze. Questions about proportions, room size, and personal taste often arise, leaving many uncertain about where to begin. Fear not! This guide will illuminate the path to selecting the perfect-sized artwork for your room.

What is the Rule of Space in Art?

The rule of space in art is a guideline that helps determine the ideal size of artwork in relation to the available space. It revolves around achieving visual balance and harmony. This principle suggests leaving enough space around the artwork to allow it to stand out without overpowering the room or feeling cramped.

How Do You Calculate Art Size?

Calculating art size involves considering various factors like wall dimensions, furniture placement, and the visual impact you want to achieve. One helpful approach is to measure the wall space where you intend to hang the art. Ensure there's ample space around the art for it to breathe - usually 6-12 inches of clearance on each side.

Next, take into account the focal point of the room. For instance, if the artwork will hang above a sofa or bed, aim for a piece that spans approximately two-thirds of the furniture's width. This creates a sense of cohesion and visual appeal.

What Are Standard Art Sizes?

Art comes in a plethora of sizes, but certain dimensions are considered standard. Common sizes for wall art include:

- Small: 6x8 inches, 11x14 inches / 15x20cm, 28x35.5cm

- Medium: 12x16 inches, 18x24 inches / 30x40cm, 45x60cm

- Large: 24x32 inches, 30x40 inches / 60x80cm, 75x100cm

These sizes provide a starting point, but don't feel confined by them. Custom sizes or unconventional dimensions can make a bold statement and be tailored to fit your space perfectly.

Should You Put Big Art in a Small Room?

Yes! Contrary to common belief, large art can work wonders in smaller rooms. It can create an illusion of grandeur, adding depth and making the space feel larger. Opt for one substantial piece rather than several smaller ones to prevent the room from feeling cluttered.

What Art Should I Put on My Wall?

Choosing art is deeply personal and should resonate with your taste and the room's ambiance. Consider the room's theme, color scheme, and the mood you want to evoke. Abstract art can infuse energy, while landscapes or serene compositions might bring a calming effect. Don't be afraid to mix styles, but ensure a cohesive aesthetic.

Does Size of Artwork Matter?

Absolutely! The size of artwork significantly impacts the room's visual appeal. A too-small piece might get lost in a vast space, while an excessively large piece can overwhelm a smaller room. Balance is key—aim for artwork that complements the room without dominating it.

How Much Is Too Much Art in a Room?

While art can enhance a room's ambiance, too much of it can lead to visual chaos. Aim for a balanced composition. If the walls are filled to the brim, consider rotating the art periodically to maintain freshness and prevent overcrowding.

In conclusion, choosing the right size art involves a delicate dance between the dimensions of your space and the impact you want to create. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, but understanding the rule of space, calculating proportions, and considering standard sizes can serve as valuable guides. Remember, art is an expression of your personality—let it speak to you and your space in perfect harmony.

Read the full "Start with art" series:

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